7 Tips On How To Be A Happy Mother


Motherhood is one of the most beautiful experiences a woman can have. It is also one of the most challenging. There are a lot of demands placed on mothers – from taking care of the household to being the primary caregiver for their children. It can be easy to get overwhelmed and lose sight of what’s important.

Happiness is a choice. It is possible to be a happy mother, even in the midst of all the challenges that come with motherhood. Here are 7 tips on how to be a happy mother:

1) Be Present

2) Be grateful

3) Find your joy

4) Let go of what you can’t control

5) Make time for yourself

6) Nurture your relationships

7) Take care of yourself

Be Present:

Being present is important for achieving a good balance between the demands of motherhood and taking care of yourself. Taking time for yourself is essential for self-care. It can be hard to make time for yourself when you have other responsibilities, but it’s worth it. Make an effort to carve out some time for yourself to do what you love. Whether it’s yoga, reading, or writing, use that time to connect to your inner self. Being present and in the moment will help you to appreciate and enjoy your time with your children, boosting your overall happiness.

Be Grateful:

Practicing gratitude is one way to focus on the positive. When you make a habit of counting your blessings, it’ll be easier to focus on the good things in life, rather than the stressors. Showing your children gratitude is also an important lesson. Let them know that you appreciate them, and teach them to look on the bright side. Take time to recognize all the ways you are blessed, such as having a loving family and being part of a supportive community.

Find your Joy:

Do something each day that brings you joy. Taking time to pursue your passions or do something creative will nurture your spirit. Cultivating joy also helps build strong family bonds. When your children see you happy and engaged in activities that bring you pleasure, it can be contagious. Doing something that helps you relax and recharge will make you a better mother.

Let Go of What You Can’t Control:

One of the keys to being a happy mother is recognizing that some things are out of your control. Don’t agonize over things that are out of your power, such as whether your child will be accepted into a particular school or team. Don’t dwell on things that you can’t change. Instead, focus on taking appropriate measures from where you are, without worrying too much about the long-term and distant outcomes.

Make Time for Yourself:

As a mother, it’s easy to lose yourself in the daily grind of parenting. Acknowledge that you have needs too, and make sure to satisfy them. Get enough sleep, exercise, and eat healthy foods. Try to take breaks here and there to relax and clear your mind. Even just a few minutes of peace and quiet can be rejuvenating. You don’t have to do it alone – ask your partner or other family members for help. Practice gratitude and acceptance, and stay connected to your community and relationships. When you do this, you’ll be a happy mother.

Nurture Your Relationships:

Don’t forget that relationships outside of your family are important. Make an effort to stay in touch with your friends, even if it’s just a quick text message or phone call. Rekindle relationships with family members that you may have fallen out of contact with. A sense of belonging to a bigger community will give you the support you need to get through all the tough times of motherhood.

Take Care of Yourself:

No one takes care of you like you do, so make sure you are taking good care of yourself. Exercise and eat well, and make sure to get enough sleep. Develop coping strategies to deal with stress, such as yoga, reading, or listening to music. Take time to pamper yourself, such as going to the spa or taking a warm bubble bath. Make sure your mental and physical health are in good condition. This will help you handle all the challenges that come with motherhood, and enjoy the beautiful moments too.


Motherhood can be an extremely rewarding experience, but it can also be overwhelming. Don’t be afraid to take steps to ensure your own happiness. When you take care of yourself, you can provide an even better experience for your children.