You’ve probably heard that breastfeeding is the best way to feed your baby. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that mothers breastfeed their babies for at least the first 6 months of life. But what are the benefits of breastfeeding?
There are many benefits of breastfeeding for both mother and child. For example, breastfeeding can help the baby’s brain development, boost the immune system, and protect against infections and diseases. Additionally, breastfeeding can help the mother bond with her child and may even help her lose weight postpartum.
In this article, we will discuss the top 10 breastfeeding benefits every new mother should know.
1. Breastfeeding provides unique and easily digestible nutrients:
Breast milk is the most ideal food for your baby as it contains all the essential nutrients a baby needs to grow and develop. The composition of breast milk is constantly changing, so it adapts to the constantly changing needs of your baby. Breast milk also contains antibodies that can help protect your baby from illness and infection. Additionally, breast milk contains beneficial bacteria and hormones which can help your baby’s immune system. Moreover, breast milk is easily digestible for babies because it’s pre-digested and partially broken down, making it easier on your baby’s stomach than formula. This is especially important for premature babies or babies with digestive issues.
2. Breastfeeding can help the bond between mother and child
Breastfeeding can be a wonderful bonding experience between mother and child. Not only are you nourishing your baby, but it can be a time of relaxation, cuddling, and connection where you can feel a special closeness with your baby. Furthermore, women who breastfeed report feeling a greater sense of satisfaction and joy knowing that they are providing their baby with the best nourishment available. This can be a great way to establish a deeper relationship of trust and love between the mother and child.
3. Breastfeeding can help the mother’s health
Studies have demonstrated that breastfeeding can provide health benefits to the mother as well as the baby. For example, breastfeeding can help the mother ward off postpartum depression and can have a calming effect on the mother. Research has also indicated that breastfeeding can reduce the risk of certain diseases and conditions, such as breast cancer, ovarian cancer, and Type 2 diabetes. Not only that, but breastfeeding can help the mother lose weight postpartum, as mothers release hormones while breastfeeding that can help them burn extra calories.
4. Breastfeeding can save money
Breastfeeding can also be a great way to save money on formula and other baby related items. Breastfeeding is a one-time cost of purchasing a breast pump, bottles and nursing pads, and medications if needed. Formula requires an ongoing cost, and you’ll also have to buy various other supplies like bottles, nipples, pacifiers, and sterilizers. While these items can add up to quite a bit, breastfeeding helps eliminate this cost.
5. Breastfeeding can provide immunities
Breast milk contains immunoglobulins that are interchangeable and can give your baby immunity from many illnesses and viruses. This means that breast milk can protect your baby from illness, infection, and disease. Plus, this immunity jumps with your baby’s age, meaning that as your baby grows, the immunities in your breast milk will increase as well. As a result, not only are you more likely to maintain a sick-free home, but you are giving your baby immunity from certain illness and viruses before they even reach him or her.
6. Breastfeeding can help with portion control
When you breastfeed, you can keep your baby from overeating or under-eating since you’re in control of when and how much your baby eats. Breastfeeding also allows your baby to eat as needed, so he or she can feed for comfort as well as for hunger. Plus, since breast milk is a natural appetite suppressant, your baby is likely to eat only what he or she needs, so you can avoid the over-eating struggles that can come with feeding a baby formula.
7. Breastfeeding can boost brain power
Several studies have found that breastfeeding can increase the size of your baby’s brain, leading to higher IQs. Furthermore, research has suggested that breastfeeding can even help boost the language and cognitive development of infants. Additionally, it has been shown that children who were breastfed as babies have tended to do better in school with more advanced problem solving and reasoning skills.
8. Breastfeeding can lower the risk of SIDS
Breastfeeding has also been linked to a lower risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). This is likely because breastfeeding boosts the immune system, which can help protect your baby from infections that can cause SIDS. Moreover, breastfed babies have been found to have a deeper sleep, so this can help lower the risk of SIDS as well.
9. Bonus: breastfeeding can be a great way to multitask!
Breastfeeding can be the perfect solution for busy moms who don’t have a lot of free time to dedicate solely to their baby. Breastfeeding can give moms the opportunity to simultaneously feed her baby and handle other tasks such as reading emails, eating a meal, or even catching up on sleep! Additionally, breastfeeding allows moms to get out of the house for a change of scenery, as it can be done anywhere, anytime. This can be especially beneficial for moms with multiple children, as they can easily feed their baby while tending to their other children. Conclusion: There are many advantages of breastfeeding for both the mother and child. From health benefits like boosting the immune system and reducing the risk of SIDS to boosting intelligence and providing immunities to your baby, breastfeeding is one of the best ways to nourish your child. Additionally, breastfeeding can provide the perfect opportunity to bond with your baby and save money on formula costs at the same time. So if you are a new mom, these are the top 10 benefits of breastfeeding you should consider when making the decision to breastfeed.